1. General Scheme for Management of E-waste
GEM as E-Waste PRO would integrate multiple partners in order to adopt a holistic approach to collect e-waste from all possible channels.
GEM would facilitate the collection and transportation of the E-Waste to the designated dismantlers/recyclers for its safe recycling/disposal as per the E-Waste Management Rules 2016 and the associated guidelines. GEM shall provide necessary reports with defined frequency (as required by CPCB) to CPCB on the quantity of E-Waste managed. GEM would promote and encourage the recycling industry to adopt environment friendly and internationally recognized standards. The aim is to forge and foster an environment of partnership between the formal recyclers and informal waste collectors and GEM as PRO.
GEM would manage the entire process end-to-end from customer/collection site to the storage and transportation of the E-Waste to the designated recyclers while assuring compliance with the E-waste (Management) Rules 2016 and the associated guidelines as amended from time to time.
2. Collection Plan
The following strategy for collection of E-Waste shall be deployed by GEM as PRO; Collection centres and points – GEM has entered into a contract with reverse logistics services provider for warehousing and logistics facilities pan India. The said contract provides for collection centres in more than 20 states.
Bulk customer pickup– GEM would pro-actively approach the ‘Bulk Customers’ for picking up E-Waste from their premises. Bulk customers can also approach GEM through the toll-free number 1800 547 0038 (mentioned on GEM’s website) to facilitate the management of E-waste pickup requests. GEM would record the request of the Bulk Customer and coordinate with its transporters and logistics partner to pick up the said E-Waste.
Pick up Points/Associates/Affiliates – Under this arrangement, GEM would collect the material from designated pickup points established in association with its partner clients (Producers, Manufacturers, Refurbishers). GEM would also approach the secondary market to purchase the ‘end of useful life’ E-Waste material. GEM would partner with informal entities/aggregators to collect and transport the E-Waste to the designated (registered) dismantlers/recyclers for safe recycling/disposal of the E-Waste.