How to Calculate EPR Targets for ‘Waste Tyre’?
How to Calculate EPR Targets for ‘Waste Tyre’?
In this article, we shall describe the concept of ‘Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)’ and explain the method to calculate the EPR targets for ‘Tyre Waste’ generators under “Schedule IX of Hazardous and other Waste (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022” (Hereinafter called ‘said rules’).
1. What is EPR?
As per the said rules, EPR is defined as the “responsibility of producer of tyre to ensure environmentally sound management of waste tyre in accordance with the provisions of the said rules”.
For definition of ‘Producer’ as per the said rules, please refer to section 2 of our blog post titled “Documents for Registration of Producer- Waste Tyre” at CLICK HERE
EPR is applicable on all producers of tyres except;
a) The Micro & Small category (MSME) of Brand owners.
b) The quantity of tyres exported by a producer.
2. EPR Target
2.1. EPR targets for Producer
• Here ‘Producer’ refers to manufacturer of tyres or importers of new tyres.
• Let’s take the case of a tyre producer company “XYZ”. This company manufactures and sells tyres in the Indian market. Company “XYZ” started its operation in Indian market in the year 2017-18.
• The sales (by weight) made by “XYZ” in various years is given in table 1 below;
• As per the clause 4(a) of Schedule IX of Hazardous and other Waste (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022, the EPR liability of “XYZ” for the tyres would be as given in table 2 below;
• After 2024-25, the EPR target in year ‘Y’ shall be 100% of the quantity of manufactured tyres / imported new tyres, in the year ‘(Y – 2)’.
• For producers who have started working after 1st April, 2022, the EPR target shall start after 2 yr. and the same in year ‘Y’ shall be 100% of the quantity sold in year ‘(Y – 2)’.
2.2. EPR targets for Importers of Waste Tyres
• The EPR obligation for importers of waste tyres in year ‘Y’ shall be 100% of the quantity imported in year ‘(Y – 1)’.
• The import of waste tyre for the purpose of producing pyrolysis oil or char is prohibited.
3. EPR Certificates
a) The validity of the EPR certificate shall be two years from the end of the financial year in which it was generated.
b) Each EPR certificate shall have a unique number containing year of generation, code of end-product, recycler code and a unique code.
c) The EPR certificates shall be in the denominations of 100, 200, 500 and 1000 MT or as decided by CPCB.
d) The quantity eligible for generation of EPR certificates shall be calculated by the following formula.
QEPR = Qp x Cf x Wp
QEPR = Quantity eligible for generating EPR certificates
Qp = Quantity of end-product
Cf = Conversion factor determined by CPCB
Wp = Weightage allotted to the end-product
e) ‘‘Conversion Factor’’ (Cf) means units of waste tyre needed to produce one unit of each end-product of recycling. ‘Cf’ for each end-product shall be determined by CPCB.
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