Interim Portal Registration of Recyclers
In this article, we list down the requirements for registration of Recyclers with CPCB’s interim arrangement portal under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022.
1. Interim portal registration.
• CPCB will take 30 working days to grant registration to the recycler after evaluating the information submitted by the recycler.
• For using interim arrangement, E-Waste recyclers are required to register on interim arrangement portal separately on the link – CLICK HERE
• For generation and transfer of EPR certificates on the EPR Portal, recyclers are required to maintain records of sales and purchase of procurement of raw material, sales of end products and transactions of EPR certificates.
Note: – The Interim Portal for Meeting EPR Obligations is a temporary portal that will be replaced by a permanent portal in the future.
2. The list of documents required.
Given below is the list of data/ documents required to register as a Recycler on CPCB interim arrangement portal:
Detailed information regarding these documents can be seen on “Instruction sheet for Registration of the Recycler on the portal under Interim Portal for Meeting EPR Obligations” on CPCB website- CLICK HERE
3. Value Chain of E-waste Recycling.
4. How to enter details on the portal?
• After logging in, the recycler will have access to the home page, where they can enter the procurement and production details and thereafter generate the EPR credits against the sales of the finished product.
• Go to the “Procurements” section and enter the details of the e-waste procured, such as the type, quantity, date of procurement, supplier contact details like name, address, mobile no and GST no of supplier. The respective purchase invoices need to be uploaded here.
• Go to the “Production” section and enter the details of the recyclable materials produced, such as the type, quantity, and date of production.
• Go to the “Create EPR Credit” section and enter the details of the sale of the recyclable materials, such as the type, quantity, price, & date of sale.
• Submit the information and generate the EPR credits. The EPR credits would be generated in terms of element wise quantities (Kgs of Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Gold (Au) and Aluminum(Al)).
• Go to the “EPR Credit Transfer” section and enter the EEE item code, quantity (in Kg), select the producer from the list of the registered producers and enter the transfer date.
✔ The quantity (Kg) of elements (Fe/Cu/Al/Au) to be recovered from the entered quantities (Kg) of EEE item code would be calculated as per CPCB’s formula.
✔ If the recycler’s online wallet has the required no. of element wise quantities, the same would be transferred to the selected producer.
✔ The balance element wise EPR credits would remain in the online wallet of the recycler.
5. Checks and balances in the portal.
• Recyclers are required to maintain an excel sheet for transfer of respective E-waste EPR credits for subsequent uploading, as when required by CPCB.
• The production (Pdn) data should not exceed raw material procured (R) i.e.; Pdn <= R
• Sales (S) must be less than or equal to production data (Pdn) i.e.; S <= Pdn
• The credit generation (Cg) should be equal to the sales data (S) i.e.; Cg < = S
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